Thursday, July 26, 2012

Shotcrete - Shotcrete Association Membership - Shotcrete USA

Shotcrete Concrete Membership

The Shotcrete Concrete Contractors Association provides certification, education and safety guidelines for the use of Shotcrete for installing concrete. The SCCA offers education to contractors.engineers and others across the USA and Canada, to fully grasp and understand the wet mix concrete process. The SCCA offers a ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman Certification program, which has become the standard in the concrete industry. 

For more information on how to become a member, please visit: 

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Shotcrete Education - Shotcrete Certification California

Shotcrete Education

The ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman Certification was established in 1999

The ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman Certification was established in 1999, the purpose for the Certification program was to establish a base line for Nozzleman skills in placing Shotcrete (wet or dry) in either the vertical or overhead position. The certification is a two part session which includes a multiple choice written test and a practical demonstration Installing concrete in a test panel with reinforcing.
Fast forward to 2012 – The ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman Certification program has become the standard in the Concrete industry.
The Shotcrete Concrete Contractors Association (SCCA) has developed an education program that is current with all ACI Concrete industry standards.
SCCAworks with Local ACI Sponsoring Groups in administering the ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman Certification program this includes both classroom education and practical field education which includes a Concrete specific Safety class.
Contact the Shotcrete Concrete Contractors Association 
or your Local ACI Chapter for information. 

SCCA - (408) 640-6219 

The Shotcrete Concrete Contractors Association (SCCA) has developed an educationprogram that is current with all ACI Concrete industry standards.
SCCA works with Local ACI Sponsoring Groups
in administering the ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman Certification program which includes both classroom education and practical field education including a Concrete specific Safety class.

To learn more visit: